Tuesday, December 23, 2008

"Did you miss me?" Dinner Menu

Yeah, I know, I went MIA. We have had some crazy times around here. We have been snowed in at my parents' house TWICE! Which is where I'm sitting right now. So, I haven't been cooking and making my own menus. But, here is a look into Mom's kitchen . . .

Shepherd's Pie
Tri-Colore Orzo SALAD - We made this recipe into a spinach based salad. Just add enough spinach to make a tossed salad and cut the orzo down to about 1/2 C dry pasta.
Whole Wheat Waffles
Katie's Vanilla Syrup

Vanilla Syrup
Melt 1 cube butter, 1 C sugar and 1 C milk in a saucepan. Mix until slightly foamy. Add 1 tsp each of vanilla, baking soda and vinegar. Serve over French Toast, or other breakfast yumminess!

Stay tuned for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day menus!

1 comment:

Wilson Family said...

i didn't see a recipe for the Katie's Vanilla Syrup...but it sounds wonderful. if you get a chance could you post that?? Thanks!


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